5 Tips for Surviving the Stay-At-Home Order

As COVID-19 sweeps across the world and surges throughout the nation, it is in the public’s best interest to stay at home and avoid contact with others. On Monday, 3/30/20, Governor Hogan enacted a “Stay-At-Home” executive order, mandating Marylanders to stay in their homes except for essential activities and personnel. For some, being told to stay at home is a welcomed break from the norm. For others, children and adults alike, the idea of staying at home is a form of punishment. As we journey together through this period of unparalleled uncertainty, why fight it? Let’s Get Into It! Here are 5 tips for Surviving the Stay-At-Home Order.
1. Develop a routine.
Now that most Marylanders don’t have to report into work, what should we be doing all day? As each day seems to overlap into the next, diverting from daily routine is almost inevitable. Under our current circumstances, some form of structure is necessary in order to maintain productivity. To achieve a Stay-At-Home routine, think about what needs to be done versus what you would like to do, then number these tasks in order of priority. From there, make time for each activity and create a schedule for what’s important day to day. This could include: work, school activities for children, cooking, chores, exercise, self care, etc. Then, map out time for additional activities that can be completed throughout the week, such as: time for friends and family, organizing the house, filing taxes, etc. Once a list of priorities and a schedule is set in place, it’s important to manage your time wisely and remain consistent.
Tip: when working from home, be sure to set aside a dedicated workspace away from distractions.
2. Pace Yourself, Everything in Moderation.
Being in the house all day can be overwhelming. Looking around from room to room, all of a sudden your to-do list just quadrupled in size. Those home projects that you’ve been putting off for months are now glaringly obvious unavoidable annoyances that must be tackled ASAP. Take it easy, top performer, and remember to pace yourself. On the contrary, falling victim to Stay-At-Home vices like: Netflix binges, social media splurges, group video chats, in-home happy hours, and eating all of the food you’ve purchased for the COVID-19 outbreak is also tempting. Finding a balance is important, everything in moderation.
3. Stay Connected.
For individuals living alone, the Stay-At-Home order may present a certain level of discomfort and loneliness. In this instance, a simple check in from a loved one is invaluable. Take a few minutes throughout the day or during the week to catch up with family and friends, reconnect with an old friend, or make new friends by joining online communities. Thanks to applications like: Facetime, What’sApp, Facebook, Google Hangouts, and Zoom, to name a few; technology has made it possible for us to keep in touch while practicing social distancing.
4. Do Something You Love.
All work and no play is no fun, neither is the opposite. As you find your balance, it's imperative to take time to do something you love. Haven’t quite found your passion? That's okay, now is a great time to explore. This will help take your mind off of things, while developing your craft, and expressing yourself. Anything from dancing and baking, to sculpting and jewelry-making; there are tons of online courses hosted through sites like Udemy and SkillShare to keep your personal growth flourishing.
5. Practice Self Care.
When is the last time that you took time for yourself? Whether you are living alone or packed in a full house, now more than ever, taking time for self will help you to reset and refocus. Find a space to escape and treat yourself to some much needed downtime activities, such as: reading, writing, being alone with your thoughts, getting a breath of fresh air, meditating, taking a calming bath, writing out your goals, and creating a vision board, just to name a few.