CARF Accreditation
Parker Psychiatric Services is accredited by CARF International since May 2018.
Parker Psychiatric Services is CARF Accredited for the following programs and services:
• Community Integration: Integrated: AOD/MH (Adults)
• Community Integration: Integrated: AOD/MH (Children and Adolescents)
• Intensive Outpatient Treatment Integrated: AOD/MH (Adults)
• Intensive Outpatient Treatment Integrated: AOD/MH (Children and Adolescents)
• Outpatient Treatment Integrated: AOD/MH (Adults)
• Outpatient Treatment Integrated: AOD/MH (Children and Adolescents)
What is CARF?
CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services providers in the
areas of Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Durable Medical Equipment,
Employment and Community Services, Medical Rehabilitation, Opioid Treatment Programs, and Vision
Rehabilitation Services. CARF assists service providers in improving the quality of their services by
applying sets of quality standards during an on-site survey.
When a service or program is CARF accredited, it means it has undergone an in-depth review of its
services and demonstrated substantial conformance to the CARF standards during the on-site survey. The
service or program has demonstrated its commitment to delivering quality services that focus on your
needs and preferences. For more information about CARF please visit their website at
• CARF assisted Parker Psychiatric Services in improving the quality of their services by applying sets of
quality standards during a consultative on-site survey.
• A symbol that Parker Psychiatric Services has to meet the highest level of quality for mental health.
• CARF Accreditation is evidence that Parker Psychiatric Services is an organization that has
demonstrated its commitment to encouraging feedback, continuously improving services, enhancing
performance, and managing risk.
• CARF has served as a catalyst for Parker Psychiatric Services for improving the quality of life of their
clients, through responsiveness to a dynamic and diverse environment.
Our accreditation is a commitment that we strive to:
• To bring the best, most innovative and highest quality of service to our clients and their families.
• Respect individual cultural preferences.
• Be accountable to our clients, referral agencies, and the community at large.
• Address health and safety concerns, such as building safety and emergency preparedness.
• Maintain management practices that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer